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I have extensive experience in various civil matters including employee and wage/hour litigation, ADA defense, Personal Injury (Plaintiff and Defense), Dog Bite Cases (Plaintiff and Defense), Landlord/Tenant disputes, Contractor/Homeowner litigation, and Business Transactions. We are a premier law firm with an old school mentality but an innovative and cost-effective approach: We simply win cases with hard work, dedication and smarts. I find winning solutions in places unknown to most lawyers.


Aloow me to successfully represent you as I have for hundreds of others. I know workplace, I know employment and I know how plaintiffs' lawyers think and I certainly know how to vindicate you.  I have successfully represented clients before various government agencies such as the FBI, U.S. Department of Labor, D.E.A., U.S. Department of Justice, and U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a myriad of Police Departments and District Attorneys from different Counties. Additionally, I can handle all types of Administrative Hearings, School Board hearings, asset forfeitures and governmental seizures. Contact me to discuss your civil case.


  • Employee/Wage Litigation, Labor Board Defense

  • ADA Defense of businesses in accessibility & discrimination lawsuits

  • Serious Personal Injury (Representing Plaintiffs and Defendants), settled over $50,000,000.00 in cases and claims in the past 25 years

  • Use of Lethal Force Defense/CCW scenarios

  • Justified Self-Defense Representation

  • Dog Bites (Representing Victims, Homeowners & Dog Owners) 

  • Any and all civil disputes involving money, equitable, land, water, fence, neighbor, view disputes. (Saved a corporate defendant over $2,000,000.00 in a sexual harassment litigation defense involving 3 plaintiffs)

  • Landlord/Tenant (Representing Landlords and Tenants, commercial & residential) (Over 100 court trials Orange, Fresno, LA, San Diego, Riverside & San Bernardino Counties)

  • Contractor/Homeowner Litigation, Mechanic's Liens Litigation

  • Business Transactions (Representing all aspects of Business disputes, franchises, partnerships, LLC, Corporations, dissolutions) (Over 100 disputes successfully handled)

  • Complex General Civil Litigation of whatever nature

  • Professional Malpractice Defense (Legal, Medical, CPA, Broker, etc.) (Represented 3 lawyers in separate capacities, none paid any money to the opposing side)

  • Revocation/Suspension Hearings involving Professional licenses, Discipline (Medical, Legal, CPA, Broker, Cosmetology, Nursing, Architecture, License to carry concealed weapons CCW, Department of Education Teaching Credentials, Disciplinary Boards, etc.) (Successfully represented Dentists, CPAs, Lawyers, Doctors & Teachers before their respective professional State Boards).

  • FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Successfully handled various matters including Inquiries, Investigations and Subpoenas, represented an FBI agent in a serious criminal probe resulting in no charges filed

  • U.S. Department of Labor (Have appeared more than 100 times in different matters)

  • U.S. Department of Justice (over 20 Quasi-criminal hearings, Inquiries, Subpoenas to Appear, etc.)

  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Released 3 clients in DHS custody for what they later labeled an "Administrative Misunderstanding")

  • EEOC- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Filed, prosecuted and defended over 50 Grievances)

  • DFEH- Department of Fair Employment & Housing (Over 50 cases submitted)

  • California Department of Industrial Relations (Made over 250 successful appearances in various capacities earning the title of "Dragon Slayer" among staff.

  • Wrongful termination of contract employees/Human Resources Conferences (Reviewed & advised clients in over 150 cases)

  • Department of Motor Vehicles (Commercial Licenses, Fines, License Revocations, Probation, Investigations of whatever nature) (Have appeared over 50 times in various capacities on various issues in LA, Orange, Fresno, Riverside & San Bernardino Counties)

  • City Hall and other Governmental Entity Hearings

  • Homeowners' Association Hearings, successfully represented 15-20 Homeowners against their HOA

  • Any and all Administrative Hearings

  • School Board Hearings, expulsions, suspensions & replacements 

  • Asset Forfeitures & Governmental Seizures, Penal Code 1275 matters (Recovered over $5,000,000.00 in clients' assets)

  • Recoveries of Bail/Bond (Represented Agents, Bounty Hunters in both civil & criminal cases)

  • Any and all Garnishments, Levies & Seizures (Sheriff Keepers, Vehicle levies, Till taps, Bank acct freezes)

  • Creditor Actions, Fraudulent Transfer Actions

  • California State Lottery Board (Represented 4 clients whose claims were denied but miraculously paid, citing an "administrative error" after I stepped in)

  • Any and all Restraining Orders, Gun Seizures/Surrenders, Family Law Restraining Orders (Petitioner & Respondent) 

  • "Please call us to discuss" letters signed by Investigators, Detectives, Social Workers, etc.

  • Insurance disputes and refusals to pay under the policy (the never-ending "under investigation" case)

(559) 476-9124

Fresno County

1481 N. Peach

Fresno, CA 93727



(714) 836-3636

Orange County Office

1717 N. Broadway

Santa Ana, CA 92706

(559) 476-9124

Fresno County Office

1481 N. Peach

Fresno, CA 92727

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