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If you or your business is struggling with debt, bankruptcy might be the solution you need to get a fresh start. As a bankruptcy attorney, I have helped many individuals and businesses navigate the complex bankruptcy process and emerge with a more stable financial future. I can guide you through every step of the process and help you make informed decisions that protect your assets and your rights. Don't wait until your financial situation becomes dire - contact me today to learn more about how bankruptcy can help you regain control of your finances

  • All Consumer Debts under Chapter 7

  • Keep your Home and assets without risk and exposure to creditors

  • Fraudulent Conveyance & Transfer Actions

  • Pre-Petition Planning

  • Business Structuring and Planning

  • Loss Minimization/Mitigation

  • Lawsuit Prevention

  • Asset Bullet-proofing and Protection

  • Adversary Proceedings (Searching hidden/transferred assets)

  • Rule 2004 Exams and Discovery

In the Bankruptcy Arena, I have successfully filed and discharged well over $500,000,000.00 (Yes! $500 million) in consumer debts, offering families a fresh start, free of creditor harassment, wage garnishments, liens, judgments, repossessions, bank levies and other inconveniences, yet allowing them to keep their homes, belongings and exempt assets. I have successfully represented both debtors and creditors alike. About 10% of all bankruptcy filings are randomly audited each year. After auditing one of our Bankruptcy petitions, the auditing firm stated: "We find the entire Petition to be completely error-free and meticulously prepared. We see no reason why the debtor would not be entitled to a full discharge, and highly recommend same to the Trustee".


From the age of 17, I worked at our family-owned business for over fifteen (15) years, working 16-hour shifts, single-handedly dealing with over 120 distinct vendors, and annually managing over $10,000,000.00 in merchandise, services, and related affairs. I fully understand the mechanics of Retail Sales, Employee Management, Vendor Relations, Accounting, Pilferage, Community and Police Relations, and Security Detail, as well as all other intricate but unknown facets that make up a successful operation. It is backed by this solid foundation that I can confidently say: "I understand your problem and I can fix it".

(559) 476-9124

Fresno County

1481 N. Peach

Fresno, CA 93727



(714) 836-3636

Orange County Office

1717 N. Broadway

Santa Ana, CA 92706

(559) 476-9124

Fresno County Office

1481 N. Peach

Fresno, CA 92727

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